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Subtotal: $2,729.00
Subtotal: $2,729.00

Fattori is a winery located in the Veneto region of Italy. The Fattori family has been involved in viticulture for generations, and the winery has been dedicated to the production of quality wines. Your focus could be on tradition, innovation and expression of terroir.
The Veneto region is known for being home to several important designations of origin (DO). Some of the appellations in Veneto include Soave DOC, Valpolicella DOC, and Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG. Each of these appellations represents different styles of wines, from fresh whites to structured reds and long-aged red wines.


Foundation year


Hectares of vineyard


Bottles produced

Corvina, Rondinella, Corvinone, Molinara, garganega, turbiana, durello

cultivated grapes



What we mean by organic viticulture

Organic fertilizers are used
as compost, manure and
other natural materials to enrich the soil and provide the nutrients necessary for the growth of vines.

Techniques are implemented to prevent soil erosion, such as planting vegetative covers between the rows of vines and applying minimal or no tillage practices.

During the winemaking process, chemical additives are avoided and the handling of the wine is minimized. The use of natural yeasts and the reduction of sulfites are encouraged.

White wine

Red wine

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